Security CU Wallet is Here!

Security CU Wallet

Hello again everybody, we definitely don’t want to burden our new blog with a bunch of press releases. Now, we’re not pointing fingers at anyone who does do that in their blog (after all, it’s a great way to boost your number of blog posts), but that’s just not the way we want to do…

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Over the River and Through the Woods

Over the River and Through the Woods

Tips to Help you Get to Grandmother’s House Safely on Winter Roads Just last weekend, I packed up the family in our trusty Chevrolet for a quick trip out of state to visit family that we weren’t able to see over the Christmas holidays. It was great to be able to spend the weekend with…

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Welcome to our blog!

Do you guys remember that old Robin Williams movie where he was the radio DJ for the Armed Forced Radio Service? Well, “Good morning Security Credit Union!” (hopefully somebody gets that joke). We wanted to welcome you to a new space on our website, yes, we have our own blog and we’ve got some big…

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What is Bitcoin?


If you’ve been paying any attention to the news over the last few weeks, you’ve no doubt heard about bitcoin. But what is it? How does it work? Is it safe? These are undoubtedly questions you’ve asked yourself while watching the news lately. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Let’s consider this a beginner’s…

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5 Reasons Why I Love Apple Pay (& Samsung & Android Pay)

Apple Pay, Android Pay, and Samsung Pay

In case you haven’t heard, earlier this month, we started offering Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay for our member’s personal accounts. This is something we’ve wanted to do for a while and our system upgrade back in the spring gave us all of the technology we needed to make this happen. While we’re…

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